Where Does It Say That?
De-theologizing the words of Jesus in the modern Church culture and setting a firm foundation for taking our Lord, Savior, and King both seriously and literally. 2 Peter 3: 1-2, Jude 3
Podcasting since 2022 • 15 episodes
Where Does It Say That?
Latest Episodes
Ep 11 | Introduction to Calvinism
"Calvinism" as a theological "system" is rampant today throughout the Church. What does it mean, where does it come from, and is it Biblical? We give an overview of its roots and talks about its effects on the Church.
Episode 11
Bonus 3 | A Sunday Sermon | Two Kingdoms Doctrine
How are we to interact with the world as followers of Christ? Should the world have influence in the Church? Where does your allegiance lie?
Ep 10 | Where Does It Say That? | Once Saved Always Saved
Is "Once Saved Always Saved" a biblical concept? We take a walk through Scripture to see.
Episode 10